Saturday, January 29, 2011

Finally, a reason to vote Conservative

The following is a Facebook response to both my blog, and Jenn G.'s contributing post

"I read most of your articles, if that's what you want to call them, and they're very well writeen. I am someone who has been pushed from the centre-left by the centre-left into the arms of the right. To the point where I find myself defending the CPC and Harper. Your works are good and make good points, they're well thought out and well developed. I do not agree with your beliefs but I see where you're coming from. I know the feeling about walking past someone hopeless and feeling sorry for them. Now I have come to accept I can't change that, and that I only live one life, I can't spend it worrying about why someone I don't know and never will is poor and homeless."

And this personal realization is what drove this individual to support Harper. These are the views our Prime Minister represents.

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